Body Composition Analysis

We offer medical grade body composition analysis via the SECA mBCA 514 device. This can provide in-depth analysis of your body composition in just a few minutes. The machine has been validated against the gold standard, MRI¹, and has been shown to be within 0.3% accuracy of a DEXA scan².

Why you should know your body composition

  • Improve strength
  • Decrease visceral adipose tissue (VAT)
  • Improved body composition has a strong correlation in improving both morbidity and mortality³ ⁴ ⁵.

Why is Body Composition Superior to a Simple Scale or BMI?

Both Weight and BMI are very crude measurements that do not give us a very accurate picture of someone’s makeup. Whether you are trying to gain muscle, or lose fat, body composition analysis is the best way to track these goals. A scale is simply not the right tool, as many people can lose weight, and become less healthy if the weight they are losing is mostly muscle. Others may gain weight, and become healthier, if the weight they are gaining is all muscle.

As we age

This becomes even more important to track after the age of 50, as muscle loss (sarcopenia) ramps up in our last few decades. Maintaining proper muscle mass and in turn, bone density, can be the difference between breaking a hip versus just falling and getting back up again. It also enables us to stay functional and have improved healthspan into our later years.

As a member, you can enjoy this as just another perk to your membership.

The cost to non-members is $80 per analysis. Comparable cost locally is $120-$200 for a DEXA scan.


  1. Quantification of whole-body and segmental skeletal muscle mass using phase-sensitive 8-electrode medical bioelectrical impedance devices – PubMed (
  2. Comparison of body composition assessment across body mass index categories by two multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis devices and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in clinical settings – PubMed (
  3. Optimal body composition indices cutoff values based on all-cause mortality in the elderly – PubMed (
  4. Sarcopenia as a predictor of all-cause mortality among older nursing home residents: a systematic review and meta-analysis | BMJ Open
  5. Associations of Muscle Mass and Strength with All-Cause Mort… : Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (

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